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Album Reviews:
Pixel (Origin Records, 2023)

Adult Music Podcast

I like Hirakawa's compositions a lot, they're fresh and interesting. His piano solos are energetic
and he has a good sense of swing and nicely connected long smooth phrasing.

All About Jazz (Bowers)

Hirakawa is an eloquent spokesman, dexterous and sharp-witted.

All About Jazz (Duggan)

Jazz-fusion quintet explore the themes in a highly charged and dynamic way

CD ジャーナル - CD Journal




Jazz Japan (Issue 155)


Jazz To Audio


Jazz Weekly

Sophisticated, intricate and complex music is written by pianist Keigo Hirakawa.

JazzLife 2023.8


My Secret Room

強者たちにスリリングで瞬発力があってワクワクする演奏が続きます! 現代的センスに溢れ、アクティヴでで気概ある、緻密なアンサンブル。

Notes On the Beat

For fans of solid, small-group, straight-ahead jazz, this is an outstanding date.

Take Effect

The players on hand bring their influences from Detroit and Cincinnati, and under Hirakawa’s vision they make for an exploratory and creative jazz affair.

The Daily Jazz Blog (Marlbank)

The album is stocked almost to the brim of the knotty but immediately impactful compositions by the pianist.

Tom Hull

Pianist, born in Japan, raised in Ohio, has at least one previous album. Postbop quintet. Fast, with some particularly hot spots.


By day a professor of electrical and computer engineering, pianist / composer Keigo Hirakawa is an accomplished jazz artist by night.

Yahoo! Japan News


ジャズ批評 (No.234) - Jazz Critique Magazine


© 2022 by Keigo Hirakawa

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