My Secret Room

Keigo Hirakawa(平川 恵悟)は、オハイオ在住のピアニスト、コンポーザー、そして、工学博士。このアルバムは、理系とジャズで、、アメリカにコネクションがある知人に教えていただきました。m(_ _)m
この辺の音楽的な地域性とか関係とかはよくわからないのですが。。m(_ _)m
オープナーの「Pixel」から平川がコールマンのバンドに所属していた時に作曲した平川のオリジナル曲。ハーストのベースソロから始まる冒険心に 満ちた曲。「Far Above 」明るい曲調だけれど、テンション高くサックスがふりきれる。「Home Somewhere」、力強く印象的なベース・ラインで、ギター、ピアノ、サックス、次々にソロを引き継いで創り出す11 歳まで育った東京の思い出はカラフル&エキサイティング。
「Origami Beetle」、幾何学的なモチーフを高速&ハイテンションで駆け抜ける、咆哮するサックスの長尺なソロ!!
そのスタティンがアンサンブルの中でフルート、バスクラリネットも吹く「Unmarked Path」、ギターが飛翔し、ピアノが踊る後ろでドラムがプッシュ。トリオでスリリングに自在に動き回る「Yaw Pitch Roll」は、新曲だそう。
ギタリストがこのアルバムの為に作曲したオリジナル「Dreaming Out Loud」、ギターとバスクラがゆったりとノスタルジックな世界を創り出すアルバムのオアシス。
終演はチック・コリアをイメージしたという「Change of Plans」、アップ・テンポでテンションの高い演奏が続く、咆哮するサックス、駆け抜けるギター、琉麗なピアノ、タイトで美しい音を繰り出すドラム、そして、強力な安定感のベース、ハイレベルでスタイリッシュ。
(English Translation:
Keigo Hirakawa is a pianist, composer, and a holder of a doctorate in engineering, currently residing in Ohio. I was introduced to this album by a friend with connections to the United States, where Keigo Hirakawa has been building his career as a jazz pianist for over 20 years. m(_ _)m
For this album, he traveled from Japan to the United States to record. Instead of playing with local musicians, he chose to collaborate with Detroit-based musicians, making the most of his 20-year career as a jazz pianist in the US. Though I'm not entirely familiar with the regional characteristics and relationships in music, m(_ _)m
The album features a lineup of highly talented musicians, including modern bass virtuoso Robert Hurst, multi-instrumentalist Rafael Statin, who was part of the Detroit Jazz Festival Special Band during their visit to Japan, versatile drummer Alex White, and guitarist Brandon Scott Coleman from Kentucky, who contributed one original track. Seven out of the eight tracks on the album are composed by Keigo Hirakawa himself.
The opening track, "Pixel," is an original piece by Keigo Hirakawa, composed during his time with Brandon Scott Coleman's band. It's an adventurous piece that begins with a bass solo by Robert Hurst. "Far Above" has a bright melody with a high tension, and the saxophone shines in its solo. "Home Somewhere" features a powerful and memorable bassline, with guitar, piano, and saxophone taking turns in captivating solos, reminiscing about Keigo Hirakawa's memories from Tokyo where he grew up until the age of eleven, creating a colorful and exciting atmosphere.
"Origami Beetle" features a high-speed, high-tension, roaring saxophone solo, running through geometric motifs. Rafael Statin showcases his versatility in the ensemble, playing not only the saxophone but also the flute and bass clarinet in "Unmarked Path." "Yaw Pitch Roll," a thrilling trio performance, is a new composition.
"Dreaming Out Loud" is an original piece by the guitarist for this album. The guitar and bass clarinet create a nostalgic and relaxed world, acting as an oasis within the album. The final track, "Change of Plans," is inspired by Chick Corea and features fast-tempo, high-tension playing, with roaring saxophone, dynamic guitar, beautiful and intricate piano, tight and powerful drumming, and a strong and stable bass. The performance is stylish and of high quality.
The album continues with thrilling and dynamic performances from these strong musicians. Keigo Hirakawa himself has studied under renowned pianists, and his playing is modern, active, and spirited. While the ensemble is meticulous, the solos explode in each song, delivering straight-ahead jazz performances.
Could the successful sound be attributed to the well-blended guitar?
In the world of music and jazz, various trends and genres exist, but music that instantly takes us to a different world, an adventurous world, is always good music. That's what I thought ♪)